Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Year's Resolutions.

oy, what's the update on that...whatsit...history paper blahdeeblah I was supposed to make?? (yes, I'm asking myself.XP) True to my nature, haven't even blinked at it yet.XP HAR. It's needed tomorrow na and I am absolutely sure-as-hell UNmotivated to even open MS Word.XP Life. Shitshitshit. Ohwell. Pretty sure my juices will suddenly crank up at the last minute, say, three in the morning tomorrow.XD The last time I had to write a paper (for Fil14, ooooh and I don't know how to write properly anymore) I wrote it like four hours before the deadline.XP Hope it turns in a B at least.XP A B means you got an accidental insight squeezed in somewhere among the dredges of your so-called paper. HAR.


Two more days of boring freedom to go. Yuck. Then school. Yuck. Yuckyuckyuck.XP I am SO pathetically boooooooooohred. It's absolutamentally BOH-RING at school. Ukk.XP I want ADVENTURE! ADVENTURE! ADVENTURE!XP Where do you find adventure in this stale little life, I wonder.XP Must get absolutely filthy RICH. Can't do nothing without money, wonderful money.XP Then I can go rappelling, wall-climbing, bunjee jumping and shit any damn day I want, learn the violin and the harp, buy meself an oodley prettyful harp which will stand wonderfully in my hall underneath my astrodome that will top my splendid palace in the sky which will span a mile in diameter just like Isengard, which will have a disturbingly big whatever-you-call-that-place-where-you-do-wood-and-metal-craft, a home theater with a complete collection of DVDs and video games, et cetera et cetera, and did I mention my palace in the sky can fly so I can go all around the world and back and visit all the historical sites I can dig up, and ooooooh it can go to outerspace too and warp and everything so I can discover whole new galaxies, and my fantastic dreams go on and on, but my point is I will have ridiculous sums of money which will be my very own so I can spend them without feeling disgustingly guilty about spending because we are poor.XP


SO. Back to that history whatsit.XP


...and that's as far as my devotion to completing my schoolwork goes.XP Hmmmm. Did I make my New Year's Resolutions yet??o_0 oooooooh, I haven't yet!XD Now is the perfect time!XD


1. can't think of a single damn thing I want.

Hmmmmmm. I may have stuffed all my desires away too deeply.XP See, due to the fact that we're pretty much breaking even (income = expenses) most of the time (cuz sometimes we're poor and on occasion money rains down from heaven, only to be sucked up by outstanding expenses) I can therefore conclude that, aside from the occasional oreo and strawberry doughnut, I won't be able to buy anything that's of significant cost and which I actually like this year, unless some magnanimous gorgeous rich guy comes along and suddenly decides to spend all his moolah on little moi. Which isn't happening anytime soon.XP

SO. Let's try this again.


1. A-HA! I've thought of one! Never come into contact with--and for heaven's sake, don't even think about owning--any expensive paraphernalia, which includes, among others, digital cameras, sapphire rings, and watches, all of which I have the unfortunate penchant of losing.XP And if I do by any chance acquire said materials, pray I self-destruct in five minutes.

2. (with my sister poking me in the back) Borrow daw everyone's CDs.XP (what's up with that?XP)

3. Maintain the scholarship...and the DL daw, ukk(hmf, but after THAT spectacle with the parents about my undignified C+ in Math, HAH!XP I've half a mind to lose DLdom.)

4. ...drat, I really can't think of any material thing I want.XP

5. Well, the eternal one which I always have, which is to discover the meaning of life, have a purpose, et cetera et cetera.

Wow, this entry is LONG. Long for me, anyway. And beginning to cross the threshold into long-winded and boring, I hope not.XP So I'm ending it. (I'll prolly put in a few more p.s. entries in about five minutes, anyway.XD)


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