Oh the mortification. Oh the shame.
Thunder and lightning! Gadzooks! Egad! Stars and stripes!(o_0)
I am mortified, ashamed. Oh, lordy. I have made a bloody public spectacle of myself.o_0 I am a sissy wuss. I suck.X0
Can you lot believe I actually got rip-roaring drunk over red bloody wine?? Oh, the mortification.X0 As in the barf-your-insides-out end of the rip-roaring-drunk spectrum.XP
I really really really really didn't expect to get drunk on red wine.X0 Heckle, I drink at least two bottles at Christmastime without even breaking a sweat!X0 But I haven't been drinking for a very long time now (see, I said I'd quit.XP) and alas, I fell under the mighty blows of
piddling red "social drinking" wine. I never saw THAT coming.o_0 Honest I didn't.
But that's not the point.X0 Aaaaagh. I made a bloody awful spectacle of myself at a gathering where I had the perfectly pure intention of being nice and quiet and background-y since really, I was a bit of an extra on the scene. Oh but look, I suddenly decide to shove my drunken ass center stage instead. Oh, the mortification.X0
I'm sorry dearest. Really I am.:(
o come, all ye faithful.
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